Netsweeper: Inside The Sweeps
Protecting students, employees, and citizens from harmful online content is now more critical than ever. Netsweeper has been providing solutions to keep people safe online for over 20 years. Every month we'll be sharing insight into industry trends and new technologies to help our listeners make the best choices when it comes to implementing protection tools in their own environment. Whether you are responsible for implementing digital safety measures in a school, business, or across a country, the Inside The Sweeps podcast will be interesting for you!
Netsweeper: Inside The Sweeps
Making the Move: Shiawassee RESD's Transition to Netsweeper
Having an effective web filtering solution is an essential component when it comes to schools safeguarding strategies. If a filter does not meet all your needs, it can put students at risk for cyberbullying, accessing harmful content, violence, self-harm, and other serious threats.
On our most recent episode of Inside the Sweeps we have Todd Mein and Jackie Carstens from Shiawassee Regional Education Service District speaking about their transition from a competitor to Netsweeper’s single web filtering solution, and how their experience with us has been so far.